Delivering high-impact
technology research
Our mission is to generate significant new knowledge
and create innovative solutions.
Data Science & System
We aim to build novel big-data solutions and service
platforms to simplify computer systems management.
We also develop new information technology that
supports innovative applications, from big data
analytics to the Internet of Things.
Integrated Systems Banner Small 2Integrated SystemsOur goal is to innovate, design, evaluate and deliver parallel computing systems architectures for high-performance, energy-efficient enterprise computing.
Machine Learning Banner 3Machine LearningWe have been at the forefront of developments in such areas as deep learning, support vector machines and semantic analysis for over a decade.
Media Analytics Banner 2Media AnalyticsOur team overcomes fundamental challenges in computer vision and addresses key needs in mobility, security, safety and socially-relevant AI.
Optical Networking and Sensing Banner 5Optical Networking & SensingFrom the Internet backbone to the home, optics and photonics form the foundation of modern ICT infrastructure.


NEC Laboratories America, Inc. (NEC Labs) is the US-based center for NEC Corporation’s global network of corporate research laboratories. We aspire to perform problem-driven research motivated by fundamental human needs with the intent to remove critical barriers and open new commercial markets. Our diverse research groups collaborate with industry, academia and governments to provide disruptive solutions to complex problems. A leader in the integration of IT and network technologies with more than 100 years of expertise, NEC provides a combination of products and solutions that cross-utilize the company’s experience and global resources to meet the complex and ever-changing needs of its customers.

For more information, visit NEC.

We aim to develop tangible solutions that address real-world challenges and bring about positive change. With a dedicated team of experts, we delve into cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, integrated systems, media analytics, and optical networking.



We take a multidisciplinary approach to develop innovative solution for a broad range of research areas. Importantly, we engage with NEC business units to use these disruptive solutions to create key differentiation in NEC products and platforms, opening new markets and providing a competitive advantage to NEC Corporation.

Data Science and System Security

We aim to build novel big-data solutions and service platforms to simplify complex systems management. We also develop new information technology that supports innovative applications, from big data analytics to the Internet of Things.

Integrated Systems

We innovate, design and prototype high-performance intelligent distributed systems, applications and services on communication networks like 5G and beyond. We develop next generation wireless technologies for sensing the world and improving communication networks.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is the key technology for data analytics and artificial intelligence. Recent progress in this field opens opportunities for a wide variety of new applications. As leaders in the industry, we develop innovative technologies which are integrated into NEC’s products and services.

Media Analytics

We solve fundamental challenges in computer vision, with a focus on understanding and interaction in 3D scenes, representation learning in visual and multimodal data, learning across domains and tasks, as well as responsible AI.

Optical Networking and Sensing

In the optical networking and sensing department, we are leading world-class optics research into the next-generation of optical networks and sensing systems that will power ICT-based social solutions for years to come.


NEC Labs America Team Attending CVPR 2024 in Seattle

Our team will be attending CVPR 2024 (The IEEE /CVF Conference on Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition) from June 17-21! See you there at the NEC Labs America Booth 1716! Stay tuned for more information about our participation.
Multi-Agent Simulator for Carbon Neutrality

Multi-Agent Simulator for Carbon Neutrality: The Technology the World Has Been Waiting For

Today, each country, government, and enterprise are urged to take effective action to fight against climate change; however, an efficient method has not been found. Even a way to accurately calculate Scope 3 carbon emissions has yet to be developed. The technology of a multi-agent simulator could be an essential step in solving worldwide challenges. We interviewed the researchers about the details of this technology.
OFC Team 2

NEC Labs America at OFC 2024 San Diego from March 24 – 28

The NEC Labs America team Yaowen Li, Andrea D'Amico, Yue-Kai Huang, Philip Ji, Giacomo Borraccini, Ming-Fang Huang, Ezra Ip, Ting Wang & Yue Tian (Not pictured: Fatih Yaman) has arrived in San Diego, CA for OFC24! Our team will be speaking and presenting throughout the event. Read more for an overview of our participation.


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