We are helping to safely bring the first woman astronaut to the moon as part of NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Artemis Project with our System Invariant Analysis Technology (SIAT). With Lockheed Martin Space’s T-Tauri AI platform, our SIAT analytics engine takes the data from the 150,000 sensors and creates a model incorporating over 22 billion data relationships. The AI model is then analyzed to find any irregularities which could lead to a possible malfunction of any of the spacecraft’s systems. “I’m really proud of what the NEC team has accomplished here. AI tools like SIAT that help manage data and complexity will be key enablers for future space missions. I look forward to what we can accomplish with great partners like Lockheed Martin,” added Haifeng Chen, Head of Data Science and System Security Department at NEC Laboratories America.

Read the full article here

Related Information:
Press Release – Lockheed Martin and NEC Put AI to Work on Programs like NASA’s Artemis Mission
Video (see below)

Using AI To Safely Put The First Woman On The Moon