AI (Artificial Intelligence) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines or computer systems. It involves the development of algorithms, software, and hardware that enable computers and machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include problem-solving, learning, reasoning, perception, understanding natural language, and making decisions.


NEC Laboratories Advances Material Design with AI-based MateriAI Platform

NEC Laboratories Europe and NEC Laboratories America have developed MateriAI, an AI-based, material design platform that accelerates the development of new, environmentally friendly materials. The prototype platform was initially designed to overcome major hurdles in the creation of new synthetic, organic and bio-based polymers, such as rubber and plastics.

AI/Fiber-Optic Combo Poised To Improve Telecommunications

Existing underground fiber-optic telecommunications cable networks that can be accessed through street manholes are helping a team at NEC Labs America improve wireless communications systems and the Internet of Things (IoT). “Hundreds of millions of fiber-optic cables are already there for communications purposes,” says Shaobo Han, a researcher at NEC Labs America who focuses on the design and development of machine learning and signal-processing techniques for real-world sensing applications. “We’re turning it all into a ‘thinking’ device, using the same cable that’s already there.”

A New Hope: AI Research is Conquering Today’s Computer Vision Plateau

The age of computer vision is upon us, and it’s transforming the way we live, work and interact with the world. Nearly every industry has found a use case to grow revenue, reduce cost, or create exceptional experiences using computer vision. From self-driving cars to retail automation, surgeons to farmers, computer vision is everywhere, providing critical insights that are driving progress in virtually every aspect of our daily lives. Today, images and videos are annotated to train artificial intelligence (AI) models to recognize specific objects, but there is still so much more to be done when it comes to understanding what those objects are doing in real-time.

Our AI Research Contributing to NASA’s Artemis Space Program

By 2024, the spacecraft “Orion” developed by Lockheed Martin will bring humans to the moon in NASA’s Artemis program. The system invariant analysis technology, one of NEC’s Artificial Intelligence technologies, will perform checks to ensure that the spacecraft is tested and operating properly during the production phase.

Optical Fiber Sensing Technology Visualizing the Real World via Network Infrastructures – AI technologies for traffic monitoring

Optical fibers have a sensing function that captures environmental changes around the fiber cable. According to the recent technology evolution of optical transmission and AI, the application of the fiber sensing has expanded and visualization accuracy has improved. We have proposed to monitor the traffic flow on the road using the existing optical fiber infrastructure along the road. In this paper, we propose a traffic flow analysis AI algorithm with high environmental resistance and show the evaluation results of traffic monitoring.