Space refers to the region beyond Earth’s atmosphere where spacecraft operate during missions. This includes the trajectory taken from Earth to the Moon, the lunar orbit, and the lunar surface itself. The term encompasses the challenges and conditions encountered in this environment, such as microgravity, vacuum, radiation exposure, and the need for life support systems. Successful human missions to the Moon require careful navigation, spacecraft design, and planning to ensure the safety and well-being of astronauts as they travel and operate in this inhospitable and remote setting.


Using AI To Safely Put The First Woman On The Moon

We are helping to safely bring the first woman astronaut to the moon as part of NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Artemis Project with our System Invariant Analysis Technology (SIAT). With Lockheed Martin Space’s T-Tauri AI platform, our SIAT analytics engine takes the data from the 150,000 sensors and creates a model incorporating over 22 billion data relationships. The AI model is then analyzed to find any irregularities which could lead to a possible malfunction of any of the spacecraft’s systems.