Next-Generation Computing Finally Sees Light

Moore’s law is dead, as we have squeezed all the innovation out of silicon. Fiber optics is the solution to meet the computing needs of tomorrow. Today, we can already use the light traveling inside fiber optic cables as sensors that measure vibrations, sound, temperature, light, and pressure changes. We’re now developing the means to take this to the next level with photonic computing at the speed of light to provide faster reaction time, reduce energy consumption and improve battery range

Using AI To Safely Put The First Woman On The Moon

We are helping to safely bring the first woman astronaut to the moon as part of NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Artemis Project with our System Invariant Analysis Technology (SIAT). With Lockheed Martin Space’s T-Tauri AI platform, our SIAT analytics engine takes the data from the 150,000 sensors and creates a model incorporating over 22 billion data relationships. The AI model is then analyzed to find any irregularities which could lead to a possible malfunction of any of the spacecraft’s systems.

Our AI Research Contributing to NASA’s Artemis Space Program

By 2024, the spacecraft “Orion” developed by Lockheed Martin will bring humans to the moon in NASA’s Artemis program. The system invariant analysis technology, one of NEC’s Artificial Intelligence technologies, will perform checks to ensure that the spacecraft is tested and operating properly during the production phase.

NEC provides AI-based traffic monitoring system with fiber-optic sensing technology for NEXCO CENTRAL

NEC Corporation has deployed an AI-based traffic monitoring system to Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited (NEXCO CENTRAL). The system uses fiber-optic sensing and AI technologies to visualize traffic conditions, such as the location, speed, and direction of travel, from vibrations produced by vehicle movement.