Cosmic – System Software for Efficient Xeon Phi Coprocessor Sharing
COSMIC* is NEC’s system software that enables seamless Xeon Phi coprocessor sharing. It is completely transparent to applications and all other system software components. COSMIC is useful in organizations where several users share one or more Xeon Phi-based servers. It can reduce capital costs by efficiently utilizing fewer servers.
Collaborators: G. Coviello, K. Rao, M. Sankaradas, C. Li, R. Phull, S. Cadambi, S.T. Chakradhar
The project was featured in InsideHPC’s Weekly Slidecast. Check it out here
Publication: G. Coviello, NEC Laboratories America, Inc., S. Cadambi, NEC Laboratories America, Inc., S.T. Chakradhar, NEC Laboratories America, Inc., “A Coprocessor Sharing-Aware Scheduler for Xeon Phi-based Compute Clusters,” To appear at IPDPS 2014.
Publication: S. Cadambi, NEC Laboratories America, Inc., G. Coviello, NEC Laboratories America, Inc., C. Li, NEC Laboratories America, Inc., R. Phull, NEC Laboratories America, Inc., K. Rao, NEC Laboratories America, Inc., M. Sankaradas, NEC Laboratories America, Inc., S.T. Chakradhar, NEC Laboratories America, Inc., “COSMIC: Middleware for High Performance and Reliable Multiprocessing on Xeon Phi Coprecessor,” The 22nd International ACM Symposium on High Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC 2013), pp. 215-226, 2013.
(*) COSMIC is pre-commercialization and the name is subject to change.