Biplob Debnath NEC Labs America

Biplob Debnath

Senior Researcher

Integrated Systems


FactionFormer: Context-Driven Collaborative Vision Transformer Models for Edge Intelligence

Edge Intelligence has received attention in the recent times for its potential towards improving responsiveness, reducing the cost of data transmission, enhancing security and privacy, and enabling autonomous decisions by edge devices. However, edge devices lack the power and compute resources necessary to execute most Al models. In this paper, we present FactionFormer, a novel method to deploy resource-intensive deep-learning models, such as vision transformers (ViT), on resource-constrained edge devices. Our method is based on a key observation: edge devices are often deployed in settings where they encounter only a subset of the classes that the resource intensive Al model is trained to classify, and this subset changes across deployments. Therefore, we automatically identify this subset as a faction, devise on-the fly a bespoke resource-efficient ViT called a modelette for the faction and set up an efficient processing pipeline consisting of a modelette on the device, a wireless network such as 5G, and the resource-intensive ViT model on an edge server, all of which work collaboratively to do the inference. For several ViT models pre-trained on benchmark datasets, FactionFormer’s modelettes are up to 4× smaller than the corresponding baseline models in terms of the number of parameters, and they can infer up to 2.5× faster than the baseline setup where every input is processed by the resource-intensive ViT on the edge server. Our work is the first of its kind to propose a device-edge collaborative inference framework where bespoke deep learning models for the device are automatically devised on-the-fly for most frequently encountered subset of classes.

Efficient Compression Method for Roadside LiDAR Data

Roadside LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensors are recently being explored for intelligent transportation systems aiming at safer and faster traffic management and vehicular operations. A key challenge in such systems is to efficiently transfer massive point-cloud data from the roadside LiDAR devices to the edge connected through a 5G network for real-time processing. In this paper, we consider the problem of compressing roadside (i.e. static) LiDAR data in real-time that provides a unique condition unexplored by current methods. Existing point-cloud compression methods assume moving LiDARs (that are mounted on vehicles) and do not exploit spatial consistency across frames over time.To this end, we develop a novel grouped wavelet technique for static roadside LiDAR data compression (i.e. SLiC). Our method compresses LiDAR data both spatially and temporally using a kd-tree data structure based on Haar wavelet coefficients. Experimental results show that SLiC can compress up to 1.9× more effectively than the state-of-the-art compression method can do. Moreover, SLiC is computationally more efficient to achieve 2× improvement in bandwidth usage over the best alternative. Even with this impressive gain in communication and storage efficiency, SLiC retains down-the-pipeline application’s accuracy.

Cosine Similarity based Few-Shot Video Classifier with Attention-based Aggregation

Meta learning algorithms for few-shot video recognition use complex, episodic training but they often fail to learn effective feature representations. In contrast, we propose a new and simpler few-shot video recognition method that does not use meta-learning, but its performance compares well with the best meta-learning proposals. Our new few-shot video classification pipeline consists of two distinct phases. In the pre-training phase, we learn a good video feature extraction network that generates a feature vector for each video. After a sparse sampling strategy selects frames from the video, we generate a video feature vector from the sampled frames. Our proposed video feature extractor network, which consists of an image feature extraction network followed by a new transformer encoder, is trained end-to-end by including a classifier head that uses cosine similarity layer instead of the traditional linear layer to classify a corpus of labeled video examples. Unlike prior work in meta learning, we do not use episodic training to learn the image feature vector. Also, unlike prior work that averages frame-level feature vectors into a single video feature vector, we combine individual frame-level feature vectors by using a new Transformer encoder that explicitly captures the key, temporal properties in the sequence of sampled frames. End-to-end training of the video feature extractor ensures that the proposed Transformer encoder captures important temporal properties in the video, while the cosine similarity layer explicitly reduces the intra-class variance of videos that belong to the same class. Next, in the few-shot adaptation phase, we use the learned video feature extractor to train a new video classifier by using the few available examples from novel classes. Results on SSV2-100 and Kinetics-100 benchmarks show that our proposed few-shot video classifier outperforms the meta-learning-based methods and achieves the best state-of-the-art accuracy. We also show that our method can easily discern between actions and their inverse (for example, picking something up vs. putting something down), while prior art, which averages image feature vectors, is unable to do so.

Chimera: Context-Aware Splittable Deep Multitasking Models for Edge Intelligence

Design of multitasking deep learning models has mostly focused on improving the accuracy of the constituent tasks, but the challenges of efficiently deploying such models in a device-edge collaborative setup (that is common in 5G deployments) has not been investigated. Towards this end, in this paper, we propose an approach called Chimera 1 for training (done Offline) and deployment (done Online) of multitasking deep learning models that are splittable across the device and edge. In the offline phase, we train our multi-tasking setup such that features from a pre-trained model for one of the tasks (called the Primary task) are extracted and task-specific sub-models are trained to generate the other (Secondary) tasks’ outputs through a knowledge distillation like training strategy to mimic the outputs of pre-trained models for the tasks. The task-specific sub-models are designed to be significantly lightweight than the original pre-trained models for the Secondary tasks. Once the sub-models are trained, during deployment, for given deployment context, characterized by the configurations, we search for the optimal (in terms of both model performance and cost) deployment strategy for the generated multitasking model, through finding one or multiple suitable layer(s) for splitting the model, so that inference workloads are distributed between the device and the edge server and the inference is done in a collaborative manner. Extensive experiments on benchmark computer vision tasks demonstrate that Chimera generates splittable multitasking models that are at least ~ 3 x parameter efficient than the existing such models, and the end-to-end device-edge collaborative inference becomes ~ 1.35 x faster with our choice of context-aware splitting decisions.

DataXe: A System for Application Self-optimization in Serverless Edge Computing Environments

A key barrier to building performant, remotely managed and self-optimizing multi-sensor, distributed stream processing edge applications is high programming complexity. We recently proposed DataX [1], a novel platform that improves programmer productivity by enabling easy exchange, transformations, and fusion of data streams on virtualized edge computing infrastructure. This paper extends DataX to include (a) serverless computing that automatically scales stateful and stateless analytics units (AUs) on virtualized edge environments, (b) novel communication mechanisms that efficiently communicate data among analytics units, and (c) new techniques to promote automatic reuse and sharing of analytics processing across multiple applications in a lights out, serverless computing environment. Synthesizing these capabilities into a single platform has been substantially more transformative than any available stream processing system for the edge. We refer to this enhanced and efficient version of DataX as DataXe. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first serverless system for stream processing. For a real-world video analytics application, we observed that the performance of the DataXe implementation of the analytics application is about 3X faster than a standalone implementation of the analytics application with custom, handcrafted communication, multiprocessing and allocation of edge resources.

UAC: An Uncertainty-Aware Face Clustering Algorithm

We investigate ways to leverage uncertainty in face images to improve the quality of the face clusters. We observe that popular clustering algorithms do not produce better quality clusters when clustering probabilistic face representations that implicitly model uncertainty – these algorithms predict up to 9.6X more clusters than the ground truth for the IJB-A benchmark. We empirically analyze the causes for this unexpected behavior and identify excessive false-positives and false-negatives (when comparing face-pairs) as the main reasons for poor quality clustering. Based on this insight, we propose an uncertainty-aware clustering algorithm, UAC, which explicitly leverages uncertainty information during clustering to decide when a pair of faces are similar or when a predicted cluster should be discarded. UAC considers (a) uncertainty of faces in face-pairs, (b) bins face-pairs into different categories based on an uncertainty threshold, (c) intelligently varies the similarity threshold during clustering to reduce false-negatives and false-positives, and (d) discards predicted clusters that exhibit a high measure of uncertainty. Extensive experimental results on several popular benchmarks and comparisons with state-of-the-art clustering methods show that UAC produces significantly better clusters by leveraging uncertainty in face images – predicted number of clusters is up to 0.18X more of the ground truth for the IJB-A benchmark.

F3S: Free Flow Fever Screening

Identification of people with elevated body temperature can reduce or dramatically slow down the spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19. We present a novel fever-screening system, F 3 S, that uses edge machine learning techniques to accurately measure core body temperatures of multiple individuals in a free-flow setting. F 3 S performs real-time sensor fusion of visual camera with thermal camera data streams to detect elevated body temperature, and it has several unique features: (a) visual and thermal streams represent very different modalities, and we dynamically associate semantically-equivalent regions across visual and thermal frames by using a new, dynamic alignment technique that analyzes content and context in real-time, (b) we track people through occlusions, identify the eye (inner canthus), forehead, face and head regions where possible, and provide an accurate temperature reading by using a prioritized refinement algorithm, and (c) we robustly detect elevated body temperature even in the presence of personal protective equipment like masks, or sunglasses or hats, all of which can be affected by hot weather and lead to spurious temperature readings. F 3 S has been deployed at over a dozen large commercial establishments, providing contact-less, free-flow, real-time fever screening for thousands of employees and customers in indoors and outdoor settings.

Austere Flash Caching with Deduplication and Compression

Modern storage systems leverage flash caching to boost I/O performance, and enhancing the space efficiency and endurance of flash caching remains a critical yet challenging issue in the face of ever-growing data-intensive workloads. Deduplication and compression are promising data reduction techniques for storage and I/O savings via the removal of duplicate content, yet they also incur substantial memory overhead for index management. We propose AustereCache, a new flash caching design that aims for memory-efficient indexing, while preserving the data reduction benefits of deduplication and compression. AustereCache emphasizes austere cache management and proposes different core techniques for efficient data organization and cache replacement, so as to eliminate as much indexing metadata as possible and make lightweight in-memory index structures viable. Trace-driven experiments show that our AustereCache prototype saves 69.9-97.0% of memory usage compared to the state-of-the-art flash caching design that supports deduplication and compression, while maintaining comparable read hit ratios and write reduction ratios and achieving high I/O throughput.

LogLens: A Real-time Log Analysis System

Administrators of most user-facing systems depend on periodic log data to get an idea of the health and status of production applications. Logs report information, which is crucial to diagnose the root cause of complex problems. In this paper, we present a real-time log analysis system called LogLens that automates the process of anomaly detection from logs with no (or minimal) target system knowledge and user specification. In LogLens, we employ unsupervised machine learning based techniques to discover patterns in application logs, and then leverage these patterns along with the real-time log parsing for designing advanced log analytics applications. Compared to the existing systems which are primarily limited to log indexing and search capabilities, LogLens presents an extensible system for supporting both stateless and stateful log analysis applications. Currently, LogLens is running at the core of a commercial log analysis solution handling millions of logs generated from the large-scale industrial environments and reported up to 12096x man-hours reduction in troubleshooting operational problems compared to the manual approach.