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Structure-and-Motion-Aware Rolling Shutter Correction
In this paper, we first make a theoretical contribution by proving that RS two-view geometry is degenerate in the case of pure translational camera motion. In view of the complex RS geometry, we then propose a convolutional neural network-based method which learns the underlying geometry (camera motion and scene structure) from just a single RS image and performs RS image correction. We propose a geometrically meaningful way to synthesize large-scale training data and identify a geometric ambiguity that arises for training.
Collaborators: Bingbing Zhuang, Quoc-Huy Tran, Pan Ji, Loong Fah Cheong, Manmohan Chandraker
Learning Structure-And-Motion-Aware Rolling Shutter Correction Paper
1National University of Singapore 2NEC Labs America 3University of California, San Diego
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019 [Oral]
An exact method of correcting the rolling shutter (RS) effect requires recovering the underlying geometry, i.e. the scene structures and the camera motions between scanlines or between views. However, the multiple-view geometry for RS cameras is much more complicated than its global shutter (GS) counterpart, with various degeneracies. In this paper, we first make a theoretical contribution by showing that RS two-view geometry is degenerate in the case of pure translational camera motion. In view of the complex RS geometry, we then propose a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based method which learns the underlying geometry (camera motion and scene structure) from just a single RS image and perform RS image correction. We call our method structure-and-motion-aware RS correction because it reasons about the concealed motions between the scanlines as well as the scene structure. Our method learns from a large-scale dataset synthesized in a geometrically meaningful way where the RS effect is generated in a manner consistent with the camera motion and scene structure. In extensive experiments, our method achieves superior performance compared to other state-of-the-art methods for single image RS correction and subsequent Structure from Motion (SfM) applications.
Image Resizing vs. Image Cropping
Performances of our networks when trained with cropped images or resized images and tested on image sets with: (a) wx-rotation only, (b) wy-rotation only, and (c) wz-rotation only.
Rectification Results on Synthetic RS Images
Rectification Results on Real RS Images
SfM Results on Real RS Images
This work was done during Bingbing Zhuang’s internship at NEC Labs America. This work is also partially supported by the Singapore PSF grant 1521200082. This website template is inspired by this website.