Disaggregating BTM (Behind-the-Meter) PV (Photovoltaic) Generation involves understanding and separating the contributions of individual BTM PV systems within a broader context, such as a neighborhood or a utility’s service area. It refers to the process of analyzing the electricity generation data from distributed solar PV systems located “behind the meter.” Behind-the-meter systems are typically installed on residential or commercial properties for local energy generation.


A Temperature-Informed Data-Driven Approach for Behind-the-Meter Solar Disaggregation

The lack of visibility to behind-the-meter (BTM) PVs causes many challenges to utilities. By constructing a dictionary of typical load patterns based on daily average temperatures and power consumptions, this paper proposes a temperature-informed data-driven approach for disaggregating BTM PV generation. This approach takes advantage of the high correlation between outside temperature and electricity consumption, as well as the high similarity between PV generation profiles. First, temperature-based fluctuation patterns are extracted from customer load demands without PV for each specific temperature range to build a temperature-based dictionary (TBD) in the offline stage. The dictionary is then used to disaggregate BTM PV in real-time. As a result, the proposed approach is more practical and provides a useful guideline in using temperature for operators in online mode. The proposed methodology has been verified using real smart meter data from London.