Generalization refers to the ability of a trained model to perform well on new, unseen data that it hasn’t encountered during training. It is a measure of how well the model has learned the underlying patterns and relationships from the training data and how effectively it can apply that knowledge to make accurate predictions or classifications on new, previously unseen examples.


Mastering Long-Tail Complexity on Graphs: Characterization, Learning, and Generalization

In the context of long-tail classification on graphs, the vast majority of existing work primarily revolves around the development of model debiasing strategies, intending to mitigate class imbalances and enhance the overall performance. Despite the notable success, there is very limited literature that provides a theoretical tool for characterizing the behaviors of long-tail classes in graphs and gaining insight into generalization performance in real-world scenarios. To bridge this gap, we propose a generalization bound for long-tail classification on graphs by formulating the problem in the fashion of multi-task learning, i.e., each task corresponds to the prediction of one particular class. Our theoretical results show that the generalization performance of long-tail classification is dominated by the overall loss range and the task complexity. Building upon the theoretical findings, we propose a novel generic framework Hier-Tail for long-tail classification on graphs. In particular, we start with a hierarchical task grouping module that allows us to assign related tasks into hypertasks and thus control the complexity of the task space; then, we further design a balanced contrastive learning module to adaptively balance the gradients of both head and tail classes to control the loss range across all tasks in a unified fashion. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of HierTail in characterizing long-tail classes on real graphs, which achieves up to 12.9% improvement over the leading baseline method in balanced accuracy.

Self-Consistent Decoding for More Factual Open Responses

Self-consistency has emerged as a powerful method for improving the accuracy of short answers generated by large language models. As previously defined, it only concerns the accuracy of a final answer parsed from generated text. In this work, we extend the idea to open response generation, by integrating voting into the decoding method. Each output sentence is selected from among multiple samples, conditioning on the previous selections, based on a simple token overlap score. We compare this “Sample & Select” method to greedy decoding, beam search, nucleus sampling, and the recently introduced hallucination avoiding decoders of DoLa, P-CRR, and S-CRR. We show that Sample & Select improves factuality by a 30% relative margin against these decoders in NLI-based evaluation on the subsets of CNN/DM and XSum used in the FRANK benchmark, while maintaining comparable ROUGE-1 F1 scores against reference summaries. We collect human verifications of the generated summaries, confirming the factual superiority of our method.

Improving Language-Based Object Detection by Explicit Generation of Negative Examples

The recent progress in language-based object detection with an open-vocabulary can be largely attributed to finding better ways of leveraging large-scale data with free-form text annotations. Training from image captions with grounded bounding boxes (ground truth or pseudo-labeled) enable the models to reason over an open-vocabulary and understand object descriptions in free-form text. In this work, we investigate the role of negative captions for training such language-based object detectors. While the fixed label space in standard object detection datasets clearly defines the set of negative classes, the free-form text used for language-based detection makes the space of potential negatives virtually infinite in size. We propose to leverage external knowledge bases and large-language-models to automatically generate contradictions for each caption in the training dataset. Furthermore, we leverage image-generate tools to create corresponding negative images to the contradicting caption. Such automatically generated data constitute hard negative examples for language-based detection and improve the model when trained from. Our experiments demonstrate the benefits of the automatically generated training data on two complex benchmarks.