Integrated Photonics refers to the technology that involves the design, fabrication, and application of photonic devices integrated onto a single substrate or platform, similar to how electronic circuits are built in the semiconductor industry. Photonic devices manipulate light (photons) to perform various functions such as generation, transmission, modulation, signal processing, and detection.


Low-Latency Passive Thermal Stabilization of a Silicon Micro-Ring Resonator with Self-Heating

Analog photonic information processing can be implemented with low chip area using wavelength-division multiplexed systems, which typically manipulate light using micro-ring resonators. Micro-rings are uniquely susceptible to thermal crosstalk, with negative system performance consequences if not addressed. Existing thermal sensitivity mitigation methods face drawbacks including high complexity, high latency, high digital and analog hardware requirements, and CMOS incompatibility. Here, we demonstrate a passive thermal desensitization mechanism for silicon micro-ring resonators exploiting self-heating resulting from optical absorption. We achieve a 49% reduction in thermal crosstalk sensitivity and 1 ?s adaptation latency using a system with no specialized micro-ring engineering, no additional control hardware, and no additional calibration. Our theoretical model indicates the potential for significant further desensitization gains with optimized microring designs. Self-heating desensitization can be combined with active thermal stabilization to achieve both responsiveness and accuracy or applied independently to thermally desensitize large photonic systems for signal processing or neural network inference.

Real-Time Photonic Blind Interference Cancellation

mmWave devices can broadcast multiple spatially-separated data streams simultaneously in order to increase data transfer rates. Data transfer can, however, be compromised by interference. Photonic blind interference cancellation systems offer a power-efficient means of mitigating interference, but previous demonstrations of such systems have been limited by high latencies and the need for regular calibration. Here, we demonstrate real-time photonic blind interference cancellation using an FPGA-photonic system executing a zero-calibration control algorithm. Our system offers a greater than 200-fold reduction in latency compared to previous work, enabling sub-second cancellation weight identification. We further investigate key trade-offs between system latency, power consumption, and success rate, and we validate sub-Nyquist sampling for blind interference cancellation. We estimate that photonic interference cancellation can reduce the power required for digitization and signal recovery by greater than 74 times compared to the digital electronic alternative.