Jianwu Xu is a former Researcher at NEC Laboratories America, Inc.


Temporal Context-aware Representation Learning for Question Routing

Question routing (QR) aims at recommending newly posted questions to the potential answerers who are most likely to answer the questions. The existing approaches that learn users’ expertise from their past question-answering activities usually suffer from challenges in two aspects: 1) multi-faceted expertise and 2) temporal dynamics in the answering behavior. This paper proposes a novel temporal context-aware model in multiple granularities of temporal dynamics that concurrently address the above challenges. Specifically, the temporal context-aware attention characterizes the answerer’s multi-faceted expertise in terms of the questions’ semantic and temporal information simultaneously. Moreover, the design of the multi-shift and multi-resolution module enables our model to handle temporal impact on different time granularities. Extensive experiments on six datasets from different domains demonstrate that the proposed model significantly outperforms competitive baseline models.

LogLens: A Real-time Log Analysis System

Administrators of most user-facing systems depend on periodic log data to get an idea of the health and status of production applications. Logs report information, which is crucial to diagnose the root cause of complex problems. In this paper, we present a real-time log analysis system called LogLens that automates the process of anomaly detection from logs with no (or minimal) target system knowledge and user specification. In LogLens, we employ unsupervised machine learning based techniques to discover patterns in application logs, and then leverage these patterns along with the real-time log parsing for designing advanced log analytics applications. Compared to the existing systems which are primarily limited to log indexing and search capabilities, LogLens presents an extensible system for supporting both stateless and stateful log analysis applications. Currently, LogLens is running at the core of a commercial log analysis solution handling millions of logs generated from the large-scale industrial environments and reported up to 12096x man-hours reduction in troubleshooting operational problems compared to the manual approach.