
Learning Cross-Modal Contrastive Features for Video Domain Adaptation

Learning transferable and domain adaptive feature representations from videos is important for video-relevant tasks such as action recognition. Existing video domain adaptation methods mainly rely on adversarial feature alignment, which has been derived from the RGB image space. However, video data is usually associated with multi-modal information, e.g., RGB and optical flow, and thus it remains a challenge to design a better method that considers the cross-modal inputs under the cross-domain adaptation setting. To this end, we propose a unified framework for video domain adaptation, which simultaneously regularizes cross-modal and cross-domain feature representations. Specifically, we treat each modality in a domain as a view and leverage the contrastive learning technique with properly designed sampling strategies. As a result, our objectives regularize feature spaces, which originally lack the connection across modalities or have less alignment across domains. We conduct experiments on domain adaptive action recognition benchmark datasets, i.e., UCF, HMDB, and EPIC-Kitchens, and demonstrate the effectiveness of our components against state-of-the-art algorithms.

Fusing the Old with the New: Learning Relative Pose with Geometry-Guided Uncertainty

Learning methods for relative camera pose estimation have been developed largely in isolation from classical geometric approaches. The question of how to integrate predictions from deep neural networks (DNNs) and solutions from geometric solvers, such as the 5-point algorithm [37], has as yet remained under-explored. In this paper, we present a novel framework that involves probabilistic fusion between the two families of predictions during network training, with a view to leveraging their complementary benefits in a learnable way. The fusion is achieved by learning the DNN un- certainty under explicit guidance by the geometric uncertainty, thereby learning to take into account the geometric solution in relation to the DNN prediction. Our network features a self-attention graph neural network, which drives the learning by enforcing strong interactions between different correspondences and potentially modeling complex relationships between points. We propose motion parmeterizations suitable for learning and show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the challenging DeMoN [61] and ScanNet [8] datasets. While we focus on relative pose, we envision that our pipeline is broadly applicable for fusing classical geometry and deep learning.

Cross-Domain Similarity Learning for Face Recognition in Unseen Domains

Face recognition models trained under the assumption of identical training and test distributions often suffer from poor generalization when faced with unknown variations, such as a novel ethnicity or unpredictable individual make-ups during test time. In this paper, we introduce a novel cross-domain metric learning loss, which we dub Cross-Domain Triplet (CDT) loss, to improve face recognition in unseen domains. The CDT loss encourages learning semantically meaningful features by enforcing compact feature clusters of identities from one domain, where the compactness is measured by underlying similarity metrics that belong to another training domain with different statistics. Intuitively, it discriminatively correlates explicit metrics derived from one domain, with triplet samples from another domain in a unified loss function to be minimized within a network, which leads to better alignment of the training domains. The network parameters are further enforced to learn generalized features under domain shift, in a model-agnostic learning pipeline. Unlike the recent work of Meta Face Recognition [18], our method does not require careful hard-pair sample mining and filtering strategy during training. Extensive experiments on various face recognition benchmarks show the superiority of our method in handling variations, compared to baseline and the state-of-the-art methods.

Divide-and-Conquer for Lane-Aware Diverse Trajectory Prediction

Trajectory prediction is a safety-critical tool for autonomous vehicles to plan and execute actions. Our work addresses two key challenges in trajectory prediction, learning multimodal outputs, and better predictions by imposing constraints using driving knowledge. Recent methods have achieved strong performances using Multi-Choice Learning objectives like winner-takes-all (WTA) or best-of-many. But the impact of those methods in learning diverse hypotheses is under-studied as such objectives highly depend on their initialization for diversity. As our first contribution, we propose a novel Divide-And-Conquer (DAC) approach that acts as a better initialization technique to WTA objective, resulting in diverse outputs without any spurious modes. Our second contribution is a novel trajectory prediction framework called ALAN that uses existing lane centerlines as anchors to provide trajectories constrained to the input lanes. Our framework provides multi-agent trajectory outputs in a forward pass by capturing interactions through hypercolumn descriptors and incorporating scene information in the form of rasterized images and per-agent lane anchors. Experiments on synthetic and real data show that the proposed DAC captures the data distribution better compare to other WTA family of objectives. Further, we show that our ALAN approach provides on par or better performance with SOTA methods evaluated on Nuscenes urban driving benchmark.

Uncertainty Aware Physically Guided Proxy Tasks for Unseen Domain Face Anti-Spoofing

Face anti-spoofing (FAS) seeks to discriminate genuine faces from fake ones arising from any type of spoofing attack. Due to the wide variety of attacks, it is implausible to obtain training data that spans all attack types. We propose to leverage physical cues to attain better generalization on unseen domains. As a specific demonstration, we use physically guided proxy cues such as depth, reflection, and material to complement our main anti-spoofing (a.k.a liveness detection) task, with the intuition that genuine faces across domains have consistent face like geometry, minimal reflection, and skin material. We introduce a novel uncertainty-aware attention scheme that independently learns to weigh the relative contributions of the main and proxy tasks, preventing the over confident issue with traditional attention modules. Further, we propose attribute-assisted hard negative mining to disentangle liveness irrelevant features with liveness features during learning. We evaluate extensively on public benchmarks with intra-dataset and inter-dataset protocols. Our method achieves superior performance especially in unseen domain generalization for FAS.

Voting Based Approaches For Differentially Private Federated Learning

Differentially Private Federated Learning (DPFL) is an emerging field with many applications. Gradient averaging-based DPFL methods require costly communication rounds and hardly work with large capacity models due to the explicit dimension dependence in its added noise. In this work, inspired by knowledge transfer non federated privacy learning from Papernot et al.(2017, 2018), we design two new DPFL schemes, by voting among the data labels returned from each local model, instead of averaging the gradients, which avoids the dimension dependence and significantly reduces the communication cost. Theoretically, by applying secure multi party computation, we could exponentially amplify the (data dependent) privacy guarantees when the margin of the voting scores are large. Extensive experiments show that our approaches significantly improve the privacy utility trade off over the state of the arts in DPFL.

Adaptation Across Extreme Variations using Unlabeled Bridges

We tackle an unsupervised domain adaptation problem for which the domain discrepancy between labeled source and unlabeled target domains is large, due to many factors of inter- and intra-domain variation. While deep domain adaptation methods have been realized by reducing the domain discrepancy, these are difficult to apply when domains are significantly different. We propose to decompose domain discrepancy into multiple but smaller, and thus easier to minimize, discrepancies by introducing unlabeled bridging domains that connect the source and target domains. We realize our proposed approach through an extension of the domain adversarial neural network with multiple discriminators, each of which accounts for reducing discrepancies between unlabeled (bridge, target) domains and a mix of all precedent domains including source. We validate the effectiveness of our method on several adaptation tasks including object recognition and semantic segmentation.

Pseudo RGB-D for Self-Improving Monocular SLAM and Depth Prediction

Classical monocular Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) and the recently emerging convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for monocular depth prediction represent two largely disjoint approaches towards building a 3D map of the surrounding environment. In this paper, we demonstrate that the coupling of these two by leveraging the strengths of each mitigates the other’s shortcomings. Specifically, we propose a joint narrow and wide baseline based self-improving framework, where on the one hand the CNN-predicted depth is leveraged to perform $ extit(Unknown sysvar: (pseudo))$ RGB-D feature-based SLAM, leading to better accuracy and robustness than the monocular RGB SLAM baseline. On the other hand, the bundle-adjusted 3D scene structures and camera poses from the more principled geometric SLAM are injected back into the depth network through novel wide baseline losses proposed for improving the depth prediction network, which then continues to contribute towards better pose and 3D structure estimation in the next iteration. We emphasize that our framework only requires $ extit(Unknown sysvar: ( unlabeled monocular))$ videos in both training and inference stages, and yet is able to outperform state-of-the-art self-supervised $ extit(Unknown sysvar: (monocular))$ and $ extit(Unknown sysvar: (stereo))$ depth prediction networks (e.g, Monodepth2) and feature based monocular SLAM system (i.e, ORB-SLAM). Extensive experiments on KITTI and TUM RGB-D datasets verify the superiority of our self-improving geometry-CNN framework.

Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation using Weak Labels

We propose a novel framework for domain adaptation in semantic segmentation with image-level weak labels in the target domain. The weak labels may be obtained based on a model prediction for unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA), or from a human oracle in a new weakly-supervised domain adaptation (WDA) paradigm for semantic segmentation. Using weak labels is both practical and useful, since (i) collecting image-level target annotations is comparably cheap in WDA and incurs no cost in UDA, and (ii) it opens the opportunity for category-wise domain alignment. Our framework uses weak labels to enable the interplay between feature alignment and pseudo-labeling, improving both in the process of domain adaptation. Specifically, we develop a weak-label classification module to enforce the network to attend to certain categories, and then use such training signals to guide the proposed category-wise alignment method. In experiments, we show considerable improvements with respect to the existing state-of-the-arts in UDA and present a new benchmark in the WDA setting.

Improving Face Recognition by Clustering Unlabeled Faces in the Wild

While deep face recognition has benefited significantly from large-scale labeled data, current research is focused on leveraging unlabeled data to further boost performance, reducing the cost of human annotation. Prior work has mostly been in controlled settings, where the labeled and unlabeled data sets have no overlapping identities by construction. This is not realistic in large-scale face recognition, where one must contend with such overlaps, the frequency of which increases with the volume of data. Ignoring identity overlap leads to significant labeling noise, as data from the same identity is split into multiple clusters. To address this, we propose a novel identity separation method based on extreme value theory. It is formulated as an out-of-distribution detection algorithm, and greatly reduces the problems caused by overlapping-identity label noise. Considering cluster assignments as pseudo-labels, we must also overcome the labeling noise from clustering errors. We propose a modulation of the cosine loss, where the modulation weights correspond to an estimate of clustering uncertainty. Extensive experiments on both controlled and real settings demonstrate our method’s consistent improvements over supervised baselines, e.g., 11.6% improvement on IJB-A verification.