Memory Networks are neural network architectures that incorporate external memory components. They are designed to store and retrieve information more effectively, making them suitable for tasks that require handling and reasoning about large amounts of data.


Leveraging Knowledge Bases for Future Prediction with Memory Comparison Networks

Making predictions about what might happen in the future is important for reacting adequately in many situations. For example, observing that “Man kidnaps girl” may have the consequence that “Man kills girl”. While this is part of common sense reasoning for humans, it is not obvious how machines can acquire and generalize over such knowledge. In this article, we propose a new type of memory network that can predict the next future event also for observations that are not in the knowledge base. We evaluate our proposed method on two knowledge bases: Reuters KB (events from news articles) and Regneri KB (events from scripts). For both knowledge bases, our proposed method shows similar or better prediction accuracy on unseen events (or scripts) than recently proposed deep neural networks and rankSVM. We also demonstrate that the attention mechanism of our proposed method can be helpful for error analysis and manual expansion of the knowledge base.

Adaptive Memory Networks

Adaptive Memory Networks We present Adaptive Memory Networks (AMN) that processes input-question pairs to dynamically construct a network architecture optimized for lower inference times for Question Answering (QA) tasks. AMN processes the input story to extract entities and stores them in memory banks. Starting from a single bank, as the number of input entities increases, AMN learns to create new banks as the entropy in a single bank becomes too high. Hence, after processing an input-question(s) pair, the resulting network represents a hierarchical structure where entities are stored in different banks, distanced by question relevance. At inference, one or few banks are used, creating a tradeoff between accuracy and performance. AMN is enabled by dynamic networks that allow input dependent network creation and efficiency in dynamic mini-batching as well as our novel bank controller that allows learning discrete decision making with high accuracy. In our results, we demonstrate that AMN learns to create variable depth networks depending on task complexity and reduces inference times for QA tasks.