Zhangyang Wang works at TAMU.


Peek-a-boo: Occlusion Reasoning in Indoor Scenes with Plane Representations

We address the challenging task of occlusion-aware indoor 3D scene understanding. We represent scenes by a set of planes, where each one is defined by its normal, offset and two masks outlining (i) the extent of the visible part and (ii) the full region that consists of both visible and occluded parts of the plane. We infer these planes from a single input image with a novel neural network architecture. It consists of a two-branch category-specific module that aims to predict layout and objects of the scene separately so that different types of planes can be handled better. We also introduce a novel loss function based on plane warping that can leverage multiple views at training time for improved occlusion-aware reasoning. In order to train and evaluate our occlusion-reasoning model, we use the ScanNet dataset and propose (i) a strategy to automatically extract ground truth for both visible and hidden regions and (ii) a new evaluation metric that specifically focuses on the prediction in hidden regions. We empirically demonstrate that our proposed approach can achieve higher accuracy for occlusion reasoning compared to competitive baselines on the ScanNet dataset, e.g. 42.65% relative improvement on hidden regions.

DAVID: Dual-Attentional Video Deblurring

Blind video deblurring restores sharp frames from a blurry sequence without any prior. It is a challenging task because the blur due to camera shake, object movement and defocusing is heterogeneous in both temporal and spatial dimensions. Traditional methods train on datasets synthesized with a single level of blur, and thus do not generalize well across levels of blurriness. To address this challenge, we propose a dual attention mechanism to dynamically aggregate temporal cues for deblurring with an end-to-end trainable network structure. Specifically, an internal attention module adaptively selects the optimal temporal scales for restoring the sharp center frame. An external attention module adaptively aggregates and refines multiple sharp frame estimates, from several internal attention modules designed for different blur levels. To train and evaluate on more diverse blur severity levels, we propose a Challenging DVD dataset generated from the raw DVD video set by pooling frames with different temporal windows. Our framework achieves consistently better performance on this more challenging dataset while obtaining strongly competitive results on the original DVD benchmark. Extensive ablative studies and qualitative visualizations further demonstrate the advantage of our method in handling real video blur.