Zhiheng Li is a former research intern in the Machine Learning department of NEC Laboratories America, Inc. while studying at University of Rochester.


StyleT2I: Towards Compositional and High-Fidelity Text-to-Image Synthesis

Although progress has been made for text-to-image synthesis, previous methods fall short of generalizing to unseen or underrepresented attribute compositions in the input text. Lacking compositionality could have severe implications for robustness and fairness, e.g., inability to synthesize the face images of underrepresented demographic groups. In this paper, we introduce a new framework, StyleT2I, to improve the compositionality of text-to-image synthesis. Specifically, we propose a CLIP-guided Contrastive Loss to better distinguish different compositions among different sentences. To further improve the compositionality, we design a novel Semantic Matching Loss and a Spatial Constraint to identify attributes’ latent directions for intended spatial region manipulations, leading to better disentangled latent representations of attributes. Based on the identified latent directions of attributes, we propose Compositional Attribute Adjustment to adjust the latent code, resulting in better compositionality of image synthesis. In addition, we leverage the l2 -norm regularization of identified latent directions (norm penalty) to strike a nice balance between image-text alignment and image fidelity. In the experiments, we devise a new dataset split and an evaluation metric to evaluate the compositionality of text-to-image synthesis models. The results show that StyleT2I outperforms previous approaches in terms of the consistency between the input text and synthesized images and achieves higher fidelity