Composite Beams refer to beams that are formed through the combination or synthesis of multiple individual beams. This approach involves adjusting the characteristics of individual beams and combining their contributions to achieve specific performance goals. Composite beamforming is a technique used to optimize the communication link between transmitters and receivers in wireless systems. Composite beamforming is a powerful tool in the arsenal of advanced wireless communication technologies, allowing for the creation of tailored beams that address specific challenges in the network, adapt to changing conditions, and optimize the overall performance of the communication system.


Robust Beam Tracking and Data Communication in Millimeter Wave Mobile Networks

Millimeter-wave (mmWave) bands have shown the potential to enable high data rates for next generation mobile networks. In order to cope with high path loss and severe shadowing in mmWave frequencies, it is essential to employ massive antenna arrays and generate narrow transmission patterns (beams). When narrow beams are used, mobile user tracking is indispensable for reliable communication. In this paper, a joint beam tracking and data communication strategy is proposed in which, the base station (BS) increases the beamwidth during data transmission to compensate for location uncertainty caused by user mobility. In order to evade low beamforming gains due to widening the beam pattern, a probing scheme is proposed in which the BS transmits a number of probing packets to refine the estimation of angle of arrival based on the user feedback, which enables reliable data transmission through narrow beams again. In the proposed scheme, time is divided into similar frames each consisting of a probing phase followed by a data communication phase. A steady state analysis is provided based on which, the duration of data transmission and probing phases are optimized. Furthermore, the results are generalized to consider practical constraints such as minimum feasible beamwidth. Simulation results reveal that the proposed method outperforms well-known approaches such as optimized beam sweeping.