Jonathan Warrell

Jonathan Warrell


Machine Learning


Discrete-Continuous Variational Optimization with Local Gradients

Variational optimization (VO) offers a general approach for handling objectives which may involve discontinuities, or whose gradients are difficult to calculate. By introducing a variational distribution over the parameter space, such objectives are smoothed, and rendered amenable to VO methods. Local gradient information, though, may be available in certain problems, which is neglected by such an approach. We therefore consider a general method for incorporating local information via an augmented VO objective function to accelerate convergence and improve accuracy. We show how our augmented objective can be viewed as an instance of multilevel optimization. Finally, we show our method can train a genetic algorithm simulator, using a recursive Wasserstein distance objective

NEC Labs America Team Attending NeurIPS24 in Vancouver

NEC Labs America is proud to attend NeurIPS 2024 in Vancouver, Canada from December 10-15. Zachary Izzo will present Subgroup Discovery with the Cox Model, Shaobo Han will present VB-LoRA: Extreme Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning with Vector Banks and Jonathan Warrell will present Discrete-Continuous Variational Optimization with Local Gradients.

Predicting Spatially Resolved Gene Expression via Tissue Morphology using Adaptive Spatial GNNs (ECCB)

Spatial transcriptomics technologies, which generate a spatial map of gene activity, can deepen the understanding of tissue architecture and its molecular underpinnings in health and disease. However, the high cost makes these technologies difficult to use in practice. Histological images co-registered with targeted tissues are more affordable and routinely generated in many research and clinical studies. Hence, predicting spatial gene expression from the morphological clues embedded in tissue histological images provides a scalable alternative approach to decoding tissue complexity.

Spatially Informed Gene Signatures for Response to Immunotherapy in Melanoma

We aim to improve the prediction of response or resistance to immunotherapies in patients with melanoma. This goal is based on the hypothesis that current gene signatures predicting immunotherapy outcomes show only modest accuracy due to the lack of spatial information about cellular functions and molecular processes within tumors and their microenvironment.

zeta-QVAE: A Quantum Variational Autoencoder utilizing Regularized Mixed-state Latent Representations

A major challenge in near-term quantum computing is its application to large real-world datasets due to scarce quantum hardware resources. One approach to enabling tractable quantum models for such datasets involves compressing the original data to manageable dimensions while still representing essential information for downstream analysis. In classical machine learning, variational autoencoders (VAEs) facilitate efficient data compression, representation learning for subsequent tasks, and novel data generation. However, no model has been proposed that exactly captures all of these features for direct application to quantum data on quantum computers. Some existing quantum models for data compression lack regularization of latent representations, thus preventing direct use for generation and control of generalization. Others are hybrid models with only some internal quantum components, impeding direct training on quantum data. To bridge this gap, we present a fully quantum framework, ?-QVAE, which encompasses all the capabilities of classical VAEs and can be directly applied for both classical and quantum data compression. Our model utilizes regularized mixed states to attain optimal latent representations. It accommodates various divergences for reconstruction and regularization. Furthermore, by accommodating mixed states at every stage, it can utilize the full-data density matrix and allow for a “global” training objective. Doing so, in turn, makes efficient optimization possible and has potential implications for private and federated learning. In addition to exploring the theoretical properties of ?-QVAE, we demonstrate its performance on representative genomics and synthetic data. Our results consistently indicate that ?-QVAE exhibits similar or better performance compared to matched classical models.

Predicting Spatially Resolved Gene Expression via Tissue Morphology using Adaptive Spatial GNNs

Motivation Spatial transcriptomics technologies, which generate a spatial map of gene activity, can deepen the understanding of tissue architecture and its molecular underpinnings in health and disease. However, the high cost makes these technologies difficult to use in practice. Histological images co-registered with targeted tissues are more affordable and routinely generated in many research and clinical studies. Hence, predicting spatial gene expression from the morphological clues embedded in tissue histological images, provides a scalable alternative approach to decoding tissue complexity