Wei Cheng NEC Labs America

Wei Cheng

Senior Researcher

Data Science and System Security


You Are What You Do: Hunting Stealthy Malware via Data Provenance Analysis

To subvert recent advances in perimeter and host security, the attacker community has developed and employed various attack vectors to make malware much more stealthy than before to penetrate the target system and prolong its presence. The advanced malware, or stealthy malware, impersonates or abuses benign applications and legitimate system tools to minimize its footprints in the target system. One example of such stealthy malware is fileless malware, which resides its malicious logic mostly in the memory of well-trusted processes. It is difficult for traditional detection tools, such as malware scanners, to detect it, as the malware normally does not expose its malicious payload in a file and hides its malicious behaviors among the benign behaviors of the processes.In this paper, we present PROVDETECTOR, a provenance-based approach for detecting stealthy malware. The intuition behind PROVDETECTOR is that although a stealthy malware may impersonate or abuse a benign process, it still exposes its malicious behaviors in the OS (operating system) level provenance. Based on this intuition, PROVDETECTOR first employs a novel selection algorithm to identify possibly malicious parts in the OS level provenance data of a process. Then, it applies a neural embedding and machine learning pipeline to automatically detect any behavior that deviates significantly from normal behaviors. We evaluate our approach on a large provenance dataset from an enterprise network and demonstrate that it achieves very high detection performance (an average F1 score of 0.974) of stealthy malware. Further, we conduct thorough interpretability studies to understand the internals of the learned machine learning models.

Deep Unsupervised Binary Coding Networks for Multivariate Time Series Retrieval

Multivariate time series data are becoming increasingly ubiquitous in varies real-world applications such as smart city, power plant monitoring, wearable devices, etc. Given the current time series segment, how to retrieve similar segments within the historical data in an efficient and effective manner is becoming increasingly important. As it can facilitate underlying applications such as system status identification, anomaly detection, etc. Despite the fact that various binary coding techniques can be applied to this task, few of them are specially designed for multivariate time series data in an unsupervised setting. To this end, we present Deep Unsupervised Binary Coding Networks (DUBCNs) to perform multivariate time series retrieval. DUBCNs employ the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) encoder-decoder framework to capture the temporal dynamics within the input segment and consist of three key components, i.e., a temporal encoding mechanism to capture the temporal order of different segments within a mini-batch, a clustering loss on the hidden feature space to capture the hidden feature structure, and an adversarial loss based upon Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to enhance the generalization capability of the generated binary codes. Thoroughly empirical studies on three public datasets demonstrated that the proposed DUBCNs can outperform state-of-the-art unsupervised binary coding techniques.

Asymmetrically Hierarchical Networks with Attentive Interactions for Interpretable Review-based Recommendation

Recently, recommender systems have been able to emit substantially improved recommendations by leveraging user-provided reviews. Existing methods typically merge all reviews of a given user (item) into a long document, and then process user and item documents in the same manner. In practice, however, these two sets of reviews are notably different: users’ reviews reflect a variety of items that they have bought and are hence very heterogeneous in their topics, while an item’s reviews pertain only to that single item and are thus topically homogeneous. In this work, we develop a novel neural network model that properly accounts for this important difference by means of asymmetric attentive modules. The user module learns to attend to only those signals that are relevant with respect to the target item, whereas the item module learns to extract the most salient contents with regard to properties of the item. Our multi-hierarchical paradigm accounts for the fact that neither are all reviews equally useful, nor are all sentences within each review equally pertinent. Extensive experimental results on a variety of real datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

Tensorized LSTM with Adaptive Shared Memory for Learning Trends in Multivariate Time Series

The problem of learning and forecasting underlying trends in time series data arises in a variety of applications, such as traffic management, energy optimization, etc. In literature, a trend in time series is characterized by the slope and duration, and its prediction is then to forecast the two values of the subsequent trend given historical data of the time series. For this problem, existing approaches mainly deal with the case in univariate time series. However, in many real-world applications, there are multiple variables at play, and handling all of them at the same time is crucial for an accurate prediction. A natural way is to employ multi-task learning (MTL) techniques in which the trend learning of each time series is treated as a task. The key point of MTL is to learn task relatedness to achieve better parameter sharing, which however is challenging in trend prediction task. First, effectively modeling the complex temporal patterns in different tasks is hard as the temporal and spatial dimensions are entangled. Second, the relatedness among tasks may change over time. In this paper, we propose a neural network, DeepTrends, for multivariate time series trend prediction. The core module of DeepTrends is a tensorized LSTM with adaptive shared memory (TLASM). TLASM employs the tensorized LSTM to model the temporal patterns of long-term trend sequences in an MTL setting. With an adaptive shared memory, TLASM is able to learn the relatedness among tasks adaptively, based upon which it can dynamically vary degrees of parameter sharing among tasks. To further consider short-term patterns, DeepTrends utilizes a multi-task 1dCNN to learn the local time series features, and employs a task-specific sub-network to learn a mixture of long-term and short-term patterns for trend prediction. Extensive experiments on real datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model.

Interpretable Click-Through Rate Prediction through Hierarchical Attention

Click-through rate (CTR) prediction is a critical task in online advertising and marketing. For this problem, existing approaches, with shallow or deep architectures, have three major drawbacks. First, they typically lack persuasive rationales to explain the outcomes of the models. Unexplainable predictions and recommendations may be difficult to validate and thus unreliable and untrustworthy. In many applications, inappropriate suggestions may even bring severe consequences. Second, existing approaches have poor efficiency in analyzing high-order feature interactions. Third, the polysemy of feature interactions in different semantic subspaces is largely ignored. In this paper, we propose InterHAt that employs a Transformer with multi-head self-attention for feature learning. On top of that, hierarchical attention layers are utilized for predicting CTR while simultaneously providing interpretable insights of the prediction results. InterHAt captures high-order feature interactions by an efficient attentional aggregation strategy with low computational complexity. Extensive experiments on four public real datasets and one synthetic dataset demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of InterHAt.

Temporal Context-aware Representation Learning for Question Routing

Question routing (QR) aims at recommending newly posted questions to the potential answerers who are most likely to answer the questions. The existing approaches that learn users’ expertise from their past question-answering activities usually suffer from challenges in two aspects: 1) multi-faceted expertise and 2) temporal dynamics in the answering behavior. This paper proposes a novel temporal context-aware model in multiple granularities of temporal dynamics that concurrently address the above challenges. Specifically, the temporal context-aware attention characterizes the answerer’s multi-faceted expertise in terms of the questions’ semantic and temporal information simultaneously. Moreover, the design of the multi-shift and multi-resolution module enables our model to handle temporal impact on different time granularities. Extensive experiments on six datasets from different domains demonstrate that the proposed model significantly outperforms competitive baseline models.

Self-Attentive Attributed Network Embedding Through Adversarial Learning

Network embedding aims to learn the low-dimensional representations/embeddings of vertices which preserve the structure and inherent properties of the networks. The resultant embeddings are beneficial to downstream tasks such as vertex classification and link prediction. A vast majority of real-world networks are coupled with a rich set of vertex attributes, which could be potentially complementary in learning better embeddings. Existing attributed network embedding models, with shallow or deep architectures, typically seek to match the representations in topology space and attribute space for each individual vertex by assuming that the samples from the two spaces are drawn uniformly. The assumption, however, can hardly be guaranteed in practice. Due to the intrinsic sparsity of sampled vertex sequences and incompleteness in vertex attributes, the discrepancy between the attribute space and the network topology space inevitably exists. Furthermore, the interactions among vertex attributes, a.k.a cross features, have been largely ignored by existing approaches. To address the above issues, in this paper, we propose Nettention, a self-attentive network embedding approach that can efficiently learn vertex embeddings on attributed network. Instead of sample-wise optimization, Nettention aggregates the two types of information through minimizing the difference between the representation distributions in the low-dimensional topology and attribute spaces. The joint inference is encapsulated in a generative adversarial training process, yielding better generalization performance and robustness. The learned distributions consider both locality-preserving and global reconstruction constraints which can be inferred from the learning of the adversarially regularized autoencoders. Additionally, a multi-head self-attention module is developed to explicitly model the attribute interactions. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets have verified the effectiveness of the proposed Nettention model on a variety of tasks, including vertex classification and link prediction.

Learning Robust Representations with Graph Denoising Policy Network

Existing representation learning methods based on graph neural networks and their variants rely on the aggregation of neighborhood information, which makes it sensitive to noises in the graph, e.g. erroneous links between nodes, incorrect/missing node features. In this paper, we propose Graph Denoising Policy Network (short for GDPNet) to learn robust representations from noisy graph data through reinforcement learning. GDPNet first selects signal neighborhoods for each node, and then aggregates the information from the selected neighborhoods to learn node representations for the down-stream tasks. Specifically, in the signal neighborhood selection phase, GDPNet optimizes the neighborhood for each target node by formulating the process of removing noisy neighborhoods as a Markov decision process and learning a policy with task-specific rewards received from the representation learning phase. In the representation learning phase, GDPNet aggregates features from signal neighbors to generate node representations for down-stream tasks, and provides task-specific rewards to the signal neighbor selection phase. These two phases are jointly trained to select optimal sets of neighbors for target nodes with maximum cumulative task-specific rewards, and to learn robust representations for nodes. Experimental results on node classification task demonstrate the effectiveness of GDNet, outperforming the state-of-the-art graph representation learning methods on several well-studied datasets.

Adaptive Neural Network for Node Classification in Dynamic Networks

Given a network with the labels for a subset of nodes, transductive node classification targets to predict the labels for the remaining nodes in the network. This technique has been used in a variety of applications such as voxel functionality detection in brain network and group label prediction in social network. Most existing node classification approaches are performed in static networks. However, many real-world networks are dynamic and evolve over time. The dynamics of both node attributes and network topology jointly determine the node labels. In this paper, we study the problem of classifying the nodes in dynamic networks. The task is challenging for three reasons. First, it is hard to effectively learn the spatial and temporal information simultaneously. Second, the network evolution is complex. The evolving patterns lie in both node attributes and network topology. Third, for different networks or even different nodes in the same network, the node attributes, the neighborhood node representations and the network topology usually affect the node labels differently, it is desirable to assess the relative importance of different factors over evolutionary time scales. To address the challenges, we propose AdaNN, an adaptive neural network for transductive node classification. AdaNN learns node attribute information by aggregating the node and its neighbors, and extracts network topology information with a random walk strategy. The attribute information and topology information are further fed into two connected gated recurrent units to learn the spatio-temporal contextual information. Additionally, a triple attention module is designed to automatically model the different factors that influence the node representations. AdaNN is the first node classification model that is adaptive to different kinds of dynamic networks. Extensive experiments on real datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of AdaNN.

Spatio-Temporal Attentive RNN for Node Classification in Temporal Attributed Graphs

Node classification in graph-structured data aims to classify the nodes where labels are only available for a subset of nodes. This problem has attracted considerable research efforts in recent years. In real-world applications, both graph topology and node attributes evolve over time. Existing techniques, however, mainly focus on static graphs and lack the capability to simultaneously learn both temporal and spatial/structural features. Node classification in temporal attributed graphs is challenging for two major aspects. First, effectively modeling the spatio-temporal contextual information is hard. Second, as temporal and spatial dimensions are entangled, to learn the feature representation of one target node, it’s desirable and challenging to differentiate the relative importance of different factors, such as different neighbors and time periods. In this paper, we propose STAR, a spatio-temporal attentive recurrent network model, to deal with the above challenges. STAR extracts the vector representation of neighborhood by sampling and aggregating local neighbor nodes. It further feeds both the neighborhood representation and node attributes into a gated recurrent unit network to jointly learn the spatio-temporal contextual information. On top of that, we take advantage of the dual attention mechanism to perform a thorough analysis on the model interpretability. Extensive experiments on real datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the STAR model.