Xiaoming Liu works at Michigan State University.


Feature Transfer Learning for Face Recognition with Under-Represented Data

Despite the large volume of face recognition datasets, there is a significant portion of subjects, of which the samples are insufficient and thus under-represented. Ignoring such significant portion results in insufficient training data. Training with under-represented data leads to biased classifiers in conventionally-trained deep networks. In this paper, we propose a center-based feature transfer framework to augment the feature space of under-represented subjects from the regular subjects that have sufficiently diverse samples. A Gaussian prior of the variance is assumed across all subjects and the variance from regular ones are transferred to the under-represented ones. This encourages the under-represented distribution to be closer to the regular distribution. Further, an alternating training regimen is proposed to simultaneously achieve less biased classifiers and a more discriminative feature representation. We conduct ablative study to mimic the under-represented datasets by varying the portion of under-represented classes on the MS-Celeb-1M dataset. Advantageous results on LFW, IJB-A and MS-Celeb-1M demonstrate the effectiveness of our feature transfer and training strategy, compared to both general baselines and state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, our feature transfer successfully presents smooth visual interpolation, which conducts disentanglement to preserve identity of a class while augmenting its feature space with non-identity variations such as pose and lighting.

Gotta Adapt ’Em All: Joint Pixel and Feature-Level Domain Adaptation for Recognition in the Wild

Recent developments in deep domain adaptation have allowed knowledge transfer from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain at the level of intermediate features or input pixels. We propose that advantages may be derived by combining them, in the form of different insights that lead to a novel design and complementary properties that result in better performance. At the feature level, inspired by insights from semi-supervised learning, we propose a classification-aware domain adversarial neural network that brings target examples into more classifiable regions of source domain. Next, we posit that computer vision insights are more amenable to injection at the pixel level. In particular, we use 3D geometry and image synthesis based on a generalized appearance flow to preserve identity across pose transformations, while using an attribute-conditioned CycleGAN to translate a single source into multiple target images that differ in lower-level properties such as lighting. Besides standard UDA benchmark, we validate on a novel and apt problem of car recognition in unlabeled surveillance images using labeled images from the web, handling explicitly specified, nameable factors of variation through pixel-level and implicit, unspecified factors through feature-level adaptation.

Feature Transfer Learning for Deep Face Recognition with Long-Tail Data

Real-world face recognition datasets exhibit long-tail characteristics, which results in biased classifiers in conventionally-trained deep neural networks, or insufficient data when long-tail classes are ignored. In this paper, we propose to handle long-tail classes in the training of a face recognition engine by augmenting their feature space under a center-based feature transfer framework. A Gaussian prior is assumed across all the head (regular) classes and the variance from regular classes are transferred to the long-tail class representation. This encourages the long-tail distribution to be closer to the regular distribution, while enriching and balancing the limited training data. Further, an alternating training regimen is proposed to simultaneously achieve less biased decision boundaries and a more discriminative feature representation. We conduct empirical studies that mimic long-tail datasets by limiting the number of samples and the proportion of long-tail classes on the MS-Celeb-1M dataset. We compare our method with baselines not designed to handle long-tail classes and also with state-of-the-art methods on face recognition benchmarks. State-of-the-art results on LFW, IJB-A and MS-Celeb-1M datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our feature transfer approach and training strategy. Finally, our feature transfer allows smooth visual interpolation, which demonstrates disentanglement to preserve identity of a class while augmenting its feature space with non-identity variations.

Joint Pixel and Feature-level Domain Adaptation in the Wild

Recent developments in deep domain adaptation have allowed knowledge transfer from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain at the level of intermediate features or input pixels. We propose that advantages may be derived by combining them, in the form of different insights that lead to a novel design and complementary properties that result in better performance. At the feature level, inspired by insights from semi-supervised learning in a domain adversarial neural network, we propose a novel regularization in the form of domain adversarial entropy minimization. Next, we posit that insights from computer vision are more amenable to injection at the pixel level and specifically address the key challenge of adaptation across different semantic levels. In particular, we use 3D geometry and image synthetization based on a generalized appearance flow to preserve identity across higher-level pose transformations, while using an attribute-conditioned CycleGAN to translate a single source into multiple target images that differ in lower-level properties such as lighting. We validate on a novel problem of car recognition in unlabeled surveillance images using labeled images from the web, handling explicitly specified, nameable factors of variation through pixel-level and implicit, unspecified factors through feature-level adaptation. Extensive experiments achieve state-of-the-art results, demonstrating the effectiveness of complementing feature and pixel-level information via our proposed domain adaptation method.