Media Analytics

Read our publications from our Media Analytics team who are overcoming fundamental challenges in computer vision and are addressing critical needs in mobility, security, safety and socially relevant AI. Our team solves fundamental challenges in computer vision, with a focus on understanding and interaction in 3D scenes, representation learning in visual and multimodal data, learning across domains and tasks, as well as responsible AI. Our technological breakthroughs contribute to socially-relevant solutions that address key enterprise needs in mobility, safety and smart spaces.


A Continuous Occlusion Model for Road Scene Understanding

We present a physically interpretable 3D model for handling occlusions with applications to road scene understanding. Given object detection and SFM point tracks, our unified model probabilistically assigns point tracks to objects and reasons about object detection scores and bounding boxes. It uniformly handles static and dynamic objects, thus outperforming motion segmentation for association problems. It also demonstrates occlusion-aware 3D localization in road scenes.

WarpNet: Weakly Supervised Matching for Single-View Reconstruction

Our WarpNet matches images of objects in fine-grained datasets without using part annotations. It aligns an object in one image with a different object in another by exploiting a fine-grained dataset to create artificial data for training a Siamese network with an unsupervised discriminative learning approach. The output of the network acts as a spatial prior that allows generalization at test time to match real images across variations in appearance, viewpoint and articulation. This allows single-view reconstruction with quality comparable to using human annotation.

Atomic Scenes for Scalable Traffic Scene Recognition in Monocular Videos

We propose a novel framework for monocular traffic scene recognition, relying on a decomposition into high-order and atomic scenes to meet those challenges. High-order scenes carry semantic meaning useful for AWS applications, while atomic scenes are easy to learn and represent elemental behaviors based on 3D localization of individual traffic participants. We propose a novel hierarchical model that captures co-occurrence and mutual-exclusion relationships while incorporating both low-level trajectory features and high-level scene features, with parameters learned using a structured support vector machine. We propose efficient inference that exploits the structure of our model to obtain real-time rates.

Attribute2Image: Conditional Image Generation From Visual Attributes

This paper investigates a novel problem of generating images from visual attributes. We model the image as a composite of foreground and background and develop a layered generative model with disentangled latent variables that can be learned end-to-end using a variational auto-encoder. We experiment with natural images of faces and birds and demonstrate that the proposed models are capable of generating realistic and diverse samples with disentangled latent representations. We use a general energy minimization algorithm for posterior inference of latent variables given novel images. Therefore, the learned generative models show excellent quantitative and visual results in the tasks of attribute-conditioned image reconstruction and completion.