Optical Networking and Sensing

Our Optical Networking and Sensing department is leading world-class research into the next generation of optical networks and sensing systems that will power ICT-based social solutions for years. From forward-looking theoretical studies to cutting-edge experiments to world- and industry-first technology field trials, we deliver globally recognized innovation that looks into the future and translates it into present reality. Read our optical networking and sensing news and publications from our team of researchers.


41.5-Tb/s Transmission Over 549 km of Field Deployed Fiber Using Throughput Optimized Probabilistic-Shaped 144QAM

We demonstrate high spectral efficiency transmission over 549 km of field-deployed single-mode fiber using probabilistic-shaped 144QAM. We achieved 41.5 Tb/s over the C-band at a spectral efficiency of 9.02 b/s/Hz using 32-Gbaud channels at a channel spacing of 33.33 GHz, and 38.1 Tb/s at a spectral efficiency of 8.28 b/s/Hz using 48-Gbaud channels at a channel spacing of 50 GHz. To the best of our knowledge, these are the highest total capacities and spectral efficiencies reported in a metro field environment using C-band only. In high spectral efficiency transmission, it is necessary to optimize back-to-back performance in order to maximize the link loss margin. Our results are enabled by the joint optimization of constellation shaping and coding overhead to minimize the gap to Shannon’s capacity, transmitter- and receiver-side digital backpropagation, signal clipping optimization, and I/Q imbalance compensation.

Distributed Temperature and Strain Sensing Using Brillouin Optical Time Domain Reflectometry Over a Few Mode Elliptical Core Optical Fiber

We propose a single-ended Brillouin-based sensor in elliptical-core few-mode optical fiber for multi-parameter measurement using spontaneous Brillouin scattering. Distributed sensing of temperature and strain is demonstrated over 0.5 km elliptical-core few-mode fiber.

Intelligent Filtering-Penalty Monitoring and Mitigation for Cascaded WSSs using Ensemble Learning Algorithm

An ensemble learning algorithm is applied to enhance filtering tolerance of cascaded WSSs in open ROADM environment to demonstrate ~0.8dB Q-factor improvement over MLSE after transmitting over 3200km with 16 ROADMs.

Neuron-Network-based Nonlinearity Compensation Algorithm

A simplified, system-agnostic NLC algorithm based on a neuron network is proposed to pre-distort symbols at transmitter side to demonstrate ~0.6dB Q improvement after 2800km SMF transmission using 32Gbaud DP-16QAM.

Optimization of Probabilistic Shaping Enabled Transceivers with Large Constellation Sizes for High Capacity Transmission

We study digital signal processing techniques to optimize the back-to-back performance of large probabilistic shaped constellations. We cover joint optimization of LDPC and constellation shaping, CD pre-compensation, clipping and I/Q imbalance compensation.

The Resilience of Hermite- and Laguerre-Gaussian Modes in Turbulence

Vast geographical distances in Africa are a leading cause for the so-called digital divide due to the high cost of installing fiber. Free-space optical (FSO) communications offer a convenient and higher bandwidth alternative to point-to-point radio microwave links, with the possibility of repurposing existing infrastructure. Unfortunately, the range of high-bandwidth FSO remains limited. While there has been extensive research into an optimal mode set for FSO to achieve maximum data throughput by mode division multiplexing, there has been relatively little work investigating optical modes to improve the resilience of FSO links. Here, we experimentally show that a carefully chosen subset of Hermite-Gaussian modes is more resilient to atmospheric turbulence than similar Laguerre-Gauss beams, with a predicted upper bound increase in propagation distance of 167% at a mode-dependent loss of 50%.

Spectrally Efficient Submarine Transmission with Flexible WME

By adjusting single shaping factor in the distribution matcher, probabilistic-shaped M-QAM is reviewed to provide both flex-rate and near-Shannon performance at the given flex-grid bandwidth and filling ratio.

41.5 Tb/s Data Transport over 549 km of Field Deployed Fiber Using Throughput Optimized Probabilistic-Shaped 144QAM to Support Metro Network Capacity Demands

41.5-Tb/s over 549 km of deployed SSMF in Verizon’s network is achieved using probabilistic-shaped 144QAM to optimize throughput at ultra-fine granularity. This is the highest C-band only capacity and spectral efficiency in metro field environment.

ANN-Based Transfer Learning for QoT Prediction in Real-Time Mixed Line-Rate Systems

Quality of transmission prediction for real-time mixed line-rate systems is realized using artificial neural network based transfer learning with SDN orchestrating. 0.42 dB accuracy is achieved with a 1000 to 20 reduction in training samples.

Evolution from 8QAM live traffic to PCS 64-QAM with Neural-Network Based Nonlinearity Compensation on 11000 km Open Subsea Cable

We report on the evolution of the longest segment of FASTER cable at 11,017 km, with 8QAM transponders at 4b/s/Hz spectral efficiency (SE) in service. With offline testing, 6 b/s/Hz is further demonstrated using probabilistically shaped 64QAM, and a novel, low complexity nonlinearity compensation technique based on generating a black-box model of the transmission by training an artificial neural network, resulting in the largest SE-distance product 66,102 b/s/Hz-km over live-traffic carrying cable.