Multi-parameter distributed fiber sensing with higherorder optical and acoustic modes
Publication Date: 2/18/2019
Event: Optics Letters
Reference: 44(5):1096-1099, 2019
Authors: Jian Fang, NEC Laboratories America, Inc., University of Melbourne, University of South Australia; Giovanni Milione, NEC Laboratories America, Inc.; Jeffery Stone, Corning Incorporated; Gaozhu Peng, Corning Incorporated; Ming-Jun Li, Corning Incorporated; Ezra Ip, NEC Laboratories America, Inc.; Yaowen Li, NEC Laboratories America, Inc.; Philip N. Ji, NEC Laboratories America, Inc.; Ming-Fang Huang, NEC Laboratories America, Inc.; Shuji Murakami, NEC Laboratories America, Inc.; William Shieh, University of Melbourne; Ting Wang, NEC Laboratories America, Inc.
Abstract: We propose a novel multi-parameter sensing technique based on a Brillouin optical time domain reflectometry in the elliptical-core few-mode fiber, using higher-order optical and acoustic modes. Multiple Brillouin peaks are observed for the backscattering of both the LP01 mode and LP11 mode. We characterize the temperature and strain coefficients for various opticalacoustic mode pairs. By selecting the proper combination of modes pairs, the performance of multi-parameter sensing can be optimized. Distributed sensing of temperature and strain is demonstrated over a 0.5-km elliptical-core few-mode fiber, with the discriminative uncertainty of 0.28°C and 5.81 ?? for temperature and strain, respectively.
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