Kihyuk Sohn is a former Researcher in the Media Analytics department at NEC Laboratories America, Inc.


Attentive Conditional Channel-Recurrent Autoencoding for Attribute-Conditioned Face Synthesis

Attribute-conditioned face synthesis has many potential use cases, such as to aid the identification of a suspect or a missing person. Building on top of a conditional version of VAE-GAN, we augment the pathways connecting the latent space with channel-recurrent architecture, in order to provide not only improved generation qualities but also interpretable high-level features. In particular, to better achieve the latter, we further propose an attention mechanism over each attribute to indicate the specific latent subset responsible for its modulation. Thanks to the latent semantics formed via the channel-recurrency, we envision a tool that takes the desired attributes as inputs and then performs a 2-stage general-to-specific generation of diverse and realistic faces. Lastly, we incorporate the progressive-growth training scheme to the inference, generation and discriminator networks of our models to facilitate higher resolution outputs. Evaluations are performed through both qualitative visual examination and quantitative metrics, namely inception scores, human preferences, and attribute classification accuracy.

Learning Gibbs-Regularized Pushforward Density Estimators with a Symmetric KL Objective

We claim that there is currently no satisfactory way to regularize a generative adversarial network (GAN): neither the generator nor discriminator is particularly amenable to the imposition of inductive biases derived from domain knowledge. A generator is effectively a causal model of generation—one that usually bears no resemblance to the true generation process, which is most often unobserved or exceedingly difficult to model. Consider image generation: although it is plausible—e.g., from biological arguments—that convolutional neural networks constitute a good class of image classifiers, claiming CNNs are inherently well-suited to image generation is harder to justify. Likewise, it is clear that regularizing the discriminator is necessary to prevent trivial solutions; although recent methods have seen some success in applying generic smoothness regularizers to the discriminator [1, 5, 12], it is not obvious how to impose domain-specific structure on the discriminator in an optimal way

Unsupervised Cross Domain Distance Metric Adaptation with Feature Transfer Network

Unsupervised domain adaptation is an attractive avenue to enhance the performance of deep neural networks in a target domain, using labels only from a source domain. However, two predominant methods along this line, namely, domain divergence reduction learning and semi-supervised learning, are not readily applicable when the source and target domains do not share a common label space. This paper addresses the above scenario by learning a representation space that retains discriminative power on both the (labeled) source and (unlabeled) target domains while keeping the representations for the two domains well-separated. Inspired by a theoretical error bound on the target domain, we first reformulate the disjoint classification, where the source and target domains correspond to non-overlapping class labels, to a verification task. To handle both within-domain and cross-domain verification tasks, we propose a Feature Transfer Network (FTN) that separates the target features from the source features while simultaneously aligning the target features with a transformed source feature space. Moreover, we present a non-parametric variation of multi-class entropy minimization loss to further boost the discriminative power of FTNs on the target domain. In experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of FTNs through state-of-the-art performances on a cross-ethnicity face recognition problem.

Learning to Adapt Structured Output Space for Semantic Segmentation

Convolutional neural network-based approaches for semantic segmentation rely on supervision with pixel-level ground truth, but may not generalize well to unseen image domains. As the labeling process is tedious and labor intensive, developing algorithms that can adapt source ground truth labels to the target domain is of great interest. In this paper, we propose an adversarial learning method for domain adaptation in the context of semantic segmentation. Considering semantic segmentations as structured outputs that contain spatial similarities between the source and target domains, we adopt adversarial learning in the output space. To further enhance the adapted model, we construct a multi-level adversarial network to effectively perform output space domain adaptation at different feature levels. To further improve our method, we utilize multi-level output adaptation based on feature maps at different levels. Extensive experiments and ablation study are conducted under various domain adaptation settings, including synthetic-to-real and cross-city scenarios. We show that the proposed method performs favorably against the state-of-the-art methods in terms of accuracy and visual quality.

Feature Transfer Learning for Deep Face Recognition with Long-Tail Data

Real-world face recognition datasets exhibit long-tail characteristics, which results in biased classifiers in conventionally-trained deep neural networks, or insufficient data when long-tail classes are ignored. In this paper, we propose to handle long-tail classes in the training of a face recognition engine by augmenting their feature space under a center-based feature transfer framework. A Gaussian prior is assumed across all the head (regular) classes and the variance from regular classes are transferred to the long-tail class representation. This encourages the long-tail distribution to be closer to the regular distribution, while enriching and balancing the limited training data. Further, an alternating training regimen is proposed to simultaneously achieve less biased decision boundaries and a more discriminative feature representation. We conduct empirical studies that mimic long-tail datasets by limiting the number of samples and the proportion of long-tail classes on the MS-Celeb-1M dataset. We compare our method with baselines not designed to handle long-tail classes and also with state-of-the-art methods on face recognition benchmarks. State-of-the-art results on LFW, IJB-A and MS-Celeb-1M datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our feature transfer approach and training strategy. Finally, our feature transfer allows smooth visual interpolation, which demonstrates disentanglement to preserve identity of a class while augmenting its feature space with non-identity variations.

Channel-Recurrent Autoencoding for Image Modeling

Despite recent successes in synthesizing faces and bedrooms, existing generative models struggle to capture more complex image types (Figure 1), potentially due to the oversimplification of their latent space constructions. To tackle this issue, building on Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), we integrate recurrent connections across channels to both inference and generation steps, allowing the high-level features to be captured in global-to-local, coarse-to-fine manners. Combined with adversarial loss, our channel-recurrent VAE-GAN (crVAE-GAN) outperforms VAE-GAN in generating a diverse spectrum of high resolution images while maintaining the same level of computational efficacy. Our model produces interpretable and expressive latent representations to benefit downstream tasks such as image completion. Moreover, we propose two novel regularizations, namely the KL objective weighting scheme over time steps and mutual information maximization between transformed latent variables and the outputs, to enhance the training.

Joint Pixel and Feature-level Domain Adaptation in the Wild

Recent developments in deep domain adaptation have allowed knowledge transfer from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain at the level of intermediate features or input pixels. We propose that advantages may be derived by combining them, in the form of different insights that lead to a novel design and complementary properties that result in better performance. At the feature level, inspired by insights from semi-supervised learning in a domain adversarial neural network, we propose a novel regularization in the form of domain adversarial entropy minimization. Next, we posit that insights from computer vision are more amenable to injection at the pixel level and specifically address the key challenge of adaptation across different semantic levels. In particular, we use 3D geometry and image synthetization based on a generalized appearance flow to preserve identity across higher-level pose transformations, while using an attribute-conditioned CycleGAN to translate a single source into multiple target images that differ in lower-level properties such as lighting. We validate on a novel problem of car recognition in unlabeled surveillance images using labeled images from the web, handling explicitly specified, nameable factors of variation through pixel-level and implicit, unspecified factors through feature-level adaptation. Extensive experiments achieve state-of-the-art results, demonstrating the effectiveness of complementing feature and pixel-level information via our proposed domain adaptation method.